Tel:  01388 608 335

40  North Bondgate, 
Market Place,
Bishop Auckland. 
Co. Durham, DL14 7NX


More About us

"Early Years Specialists"

"Early Years is a specialised field of education, so when it comes to giving your child the very best preparation for school, be sure to come to the place that have the experience and expertise in the education and care for Early Years aged children" 

More About us

We pride ourselves on fostering children’s well-being, independence and self-confidence – the foundations to all future learning and centre our focus on the characteristics of learning…essential for future attainment. 

If you would like an electronic copy of our report, please get in touch via our ‘contact us’ page and one will be sent to you.
Reception class teachers feedback that "0ur children are given excellent foundations for future learning and they enter school very well prepared". 
Our data shows that a number of factors promote and support these successes:
  • Quality (rather than quantity) time /interactions at home and with the wider family/community;
  • A strong partnership between home and nursery – sharing information for continuity of learning and experience, celebrating achievements help build a wider picture of the child as a person;
  • Established and consistent routines and boundaries…including regular bedtime stories from an early age and lots of sleep
  • Attending York House from an early age and for a greater percentage of the week means the children have a wide variety of sensory stimulation, high emotional well-being, self confidence, independence and a thirst for learning. Our ‘rhythms and routines’, continuous provision and quality staff interactions mean children are exposed to consistent, continuous and differentiated challenge, centred around everyday learning experiences.w paragraph
We are on a continuous journey of development & improvement…
Our Policies, Practices and Procedures are all based on our research of current good practice, underpinned by The Early Years Foundation Stage’s Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements and the Early Years Outcomes for the Early Learning Foundation Stage.

OFSTED regulate all childcare services and we use this as an additional tool for reflection and quality improvement by receiving weekly updates and reading and reflecting on new inspection reports.

County Durham’s team of Early Years Advisors monitor and support our practices; engage us in high quality experiences and projects to enable us to further improve our offer to our children and share our high quality practices with other settings.

We have excellent links with external services such as family social workers, the Speech and Language team, Health Visitors, Portage…and work hard for the respect we have built up…the children’s progress speaks for itself.
We pride ourselves on fostering children’s well-being, independence and self-confidence – the foundations to all future learning and centre our focus on the characteristics of effective learning, which are essential for future attainment. We follow a child centred curriculum, with us observing our children’s interests to ensure they are focused, engaged and highly motivated in experiences that are relevant and developmentally appropriate. We have been following ‘In the Moment’ planning for quite some time. Planning in the moment is all about seizing the moment for children to progress, based on what the children are already deeply involved in. This planning relies on our skilled practitioners using quality interactions to draw out the children’s knowledge and build on it there and then. 

We are inspected yearly by the Environmental Health team, achieving top marks for our procedures

Parents as Partners
Working in partnership with parents/carers is paramount to children’s learning and development. We recognise that the child’s first educator is the parent and they will know their child the best, we will work in partnership with you the parent/carer to ensure we have all current information needed to settle and build upon your child’s learning and development. At York House we feel that it is essential to work closely with parents to provide a warm, friendly stimulating atmosphere based around the values, beliefs and opportunities you most want for your child. The essential factor is good, clear communication between yourselves and us and vice versa. We therefore encourage you to share your thoughts, feelings, anxieties and joys, what you like to see happening and what you would like to see developed. We offer an online learning journey that will keep you up to date with your child’s learning and development and what they are doing at nursery. You can also contribute to their journal, which will help us to incorporate learning from home into the setting.

At York House we believe in broadening our children’s minds and outlook on life, developing their knowledge of the community and wider world. In order to do this we take advantage of our surroundings and immediate areas, going on trips to Auckland Park and Castle as well as other areas within Bishop Auckland. We offer weekly sessions at the local forest as well as the local care home, which we find is a valuable experience for the children who attend. Police, fire brigade and other groups and professionals are invited into nursery to share their experiences with the children.
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